Home DIY How To Open A Can Using NOTHING But Your Bare Hands During A Zombie Apocalypse

How To Open A Can Using NOTHING But Your Bare Hands During A Zombie Apocalypse

How To Open A Can Using NOTHING But Your Bare Hands During A Zombie Apocalypse

There are several essentials in the kitchen: knives, forks, spoons, wooden spoons and can openers. But what do you do when your can opener breaks? Check out this amazing hack on ‘How to Open a can using NOTHING but your bare hands during a zombie apocalypse.

This amazing Russian Hacker has worked out a way to use your bare hands as your #1 can opening essential. 28 year old, Taras Kulakov has posted a YouTube video showing himself rubbing a can of Tuna on a slab of concrete and just popping the can open. Very impressive.

Himself and his fellow YouTube star have recently gone viral after sharing their fascinating video teaching viewers how to open a can without a can-opener.

The video, by Crazy Russian Hacker, is titled How to Open a Can without Can Opener – Zombie Survival Tips #20 and shows two men opening three cans of tuna using nothing but their hands and a piece of concrete. 

‘Don’t have any tools to open a can? No problem just use concrete,’ 28-year-old Taras Kulakov said.

‘[This is] how to open a can, any kind of can like this one, or maybe just a regular one,’ he said, the pair each holding different sized cans.

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Taras and his friend have gone viral after releasing a video on how to open a can with nothing but your hands.

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This picture shows the can in tact: it is a normal can, already sealed. This isn’t an illusion.

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Next, showing a plain block of concrete, which you can find practically anywhere.

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It’s all in the palm. Palm face down, and rub the tin and back forth on the slab.

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Taras then rubs the can vigorously for around 10-15 seconds and voilà! We’re ready for the final step.

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Push the can with your hands, until it pops open.

We don’t advise using this technique for your everyday beans and sausages cans, however it does come in super handy if camping, in a student house or like Taras suggests: a zombie apocalypse.

Check out his other survival video essentials, which include making a candle from an orange, fire from AA batteries, lock picking, homemade lightbulb, mini bow and arrow and so much more here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5F28512EF9D25719

For now, get practising! You never know when this skill can save your (and your cats) life one day!



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