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This Post Proves that the #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever

Jimmy Kimmel is always finding new and effective ways of galvanising his ever growing fan-base, encouraging viewers to join in with the latest viral sensation that he’s created. Well, this time he asked people to tweet their most embarrassing conversation moments, and everybody has to admit that we’ve all fell victim to ridiculously awkward replies and discussion killers. From wishing somebody else a happy birthday after they say it to you on your own birthday, to apologising to a shopping store mannequin or telling a group of elderly people. “enjoy the rest of your days”, we’ve all been there at least once in our lives. The #whydidisaythat Twitter hashtag might be the funniest thing ever.

Small talk with your hair dresser can be painfully awkward at the best of times, but we can’t imagine how strange and uncomfortable the rest of the time was after this ridiculous exchange…

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

Everybody has accidentally had a conversation with a mannequin at least one time in their life, right? No? Oh, maybe I need to seek some professional help as soon as possible…

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

When somebody wishes you a good day, you usually respond with something alone the lines of, “oh thanks, you too! It’s not really advisable to tell them that you don’t want to have one…

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

Reminding a group of elderly people who are just trying to go about their day that their remaining time on earth is pretty limited, is not something that’s particularly encouraged in modern culture…

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

This probably broke a world record for the quickest transition between purchasing an item and then deciding to return it for a refund. Maybe retail isn’t for this particular person…

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

I’ve lost count of the amount of times that I’ve repeated the same question with somebody that I’ve just met in an awkward initial exchange. It never gets easier…

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

This is such a rookie mistake. Never give your boss an opportunity to steal your weekend away from you and make you clock in at stupid o’clock. Just say you’re going on a fishing trip!

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

That’s pretty cold and probably created years of passive aggression at the dinner table, but we have to tip our hats to this person for a solid joke right there. We hope you see this and perform some kind of celebratory dance…

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

If God is as unforgiving as the Bible suggests, that’s a sure fire way to earn yourself a ticket directly to the gates of Hell. Sorry buddy, but you’ll never that live that moment down…

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

Id we’re being completely honest, that’s as valid a reason as any others for why you’re seeking employment. We don’t get jobs for money, shelter and food, we get them so that our parents will be proud, maybe…

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

Due to this ridiculous choice of words after what had been a wonderful day out, the couple separated and the kid had to grow up in a broken family. It could have all been so different…

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

And this gut never got to actually visit the United Kingdom. He just sat in a windowless room for 12 hours in immigration while he waited for a flight right back home. What a shame!

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com

Well, that’s just a little bit awkward. If that had been me, I would have definitely just aborted the conversation immediately, abandon the function and run home to cry myself to sleep…

The #WhyDidISayThat Twitter Hashtag Might Be The Funniest Thing Ever
Courtesy of boredpanda.com
James Moore
James Moore
A little bit obsessed with all things film and and tennis. You can catch me binging on films and writing furiously about them, or darting around the court like a mad man.


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