HomeLifeAre We Too Dependent On Technology in 2024?

Are We Too Dependent On Technology in 2024?

Ask yourself this: could you cope without technology in 2024? How long do you think you’d last if you had no access to modern technology: a day? A week? A month? Maybe even a year like that what would be your new years resolution for the next year 2025? Technology is very prevalent in today’s society – there used to be a time when people would leave the house without carrying any sort of technological device with them, but these days, it’s common for people to have several different devices on their person at any given time. The question is: are we too dependent on technology these days?

#1 Is it too useful?

via Vis-e-bility.com
via Vis-e-bility.com

Modern technology is surely a big help to society in many ways especially with the advent of AI chatbots like ChatGPTs and other L.L.Ms and further research and development of A.G.I. It’s improving our health and the quality of our lives, while also providing us with more ways to learn about the world around us and communicate with one another. Many would argue that it makes things far too easy for us: for example, if you want to find something out, all you have to do is just type it into Google; if you want to get something from the shops but can’t be bothered to go out, just order it online instead. Technology is undeniably useful, yet many would argue that it’s too useful – do we really need a watch that can make phone calls, or a jacket that an charge your phone?

#2 Going without Technology in 2024

via Pinterest.com
via Pinterest.com

Many of us have become so used to it in recent years especially after the Covid-19 hit that a lot of the time, we don’t even realise it’s there. We’re so accustomed to it that going without is something we just can’t bear thinking about. Technology provides us with an abundance of contacts, resources and shortcuts; without it, what would we do? How would you cope if you were cut off from social media, couldn’t Google something you didn’t know and couldn’t access information you need? People from older generations can cope without technology because they weren’t brought up with it; to them, things like the internet, smartphones and social media are new concepts. Many older people have taken to them, of course, but it’s the younger generation that’s more tech savvy and that’s because we’re brought up relying on technology to do things for us – these days, one in three toddlers uses an iPad before they’ve even learned to walk.

#3 Will we ever not be dependent on technology?

via Inhabitat.com
via Inhabitat.com

It’s safe to say that many of us are indeed dependent on technology: it does so much for us that we’ve grown accustomed to having it in our lives and can’t imagine our lives without it. Technology is constantly becoming more advanced and it’s doing things that we wouldn’t have though possible several decades ago – if we’re dependent on technology now, chances are we’ll become even more dependent on it in the years to come because it’s only going to be able to do more for us. It’s such a key part of our lives that for many of us, going without technology is unthinkable. Sadly, many of us are indeed too dependent on technology because we haven’t had enough time to experience life without it.

James Gibson
James Gibson
I'm a Classics graduate and have been writing for over three years. Hopefully going to go into novel writing some day. I'm mostly interested in theme parks and roller coasters - I've been on 300 coasters and plan on going on lots more!


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