HomeEntertainment15 Signs You Are An Introvert - #7 is THE TRUTH

15 Signs You Are An Introvert – #7 is THE TRUTH

Being the life and soul of the party is so…so…tiring. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to look people in the eye and say “NO!” when they ask you to go to some social event you don’t want to, just for the simple reason you want to stay at home, eat crisps and watch DVDs in your pants.

If you’re feeling increasingly like those are your only life goals, here are 15 signs you might really be an introvert.

You only like your own company

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Well, who wouldn’t? You’re awesome. You just want to be awesome on your own. No biggy.

When it’s Friday night and no-one has asked you to go to anything

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Turn the TV on, stick a ready meal in the microwave, run that warm bath and put your PJs on, cos you – sister – are ON YO’ OWN AND LOVIN’ IT.

People. Just…being people

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You increasingly just feel like you want to tell people to bog off. For no good reason. Other than they’re alive and breathing.

You want quiet…all the time

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Noise irritates you. People talking. Just talking. About anything…it just annoys you.

When someone cancels your plans at the last minute

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You pretend to be disappointed, but then realise it means you get an unexpected evening in your tracksuit bottoms watching re-runs of The Young Ones on Gold.

You pretend to be sorry you can’t make some social event…but…

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On the inside…you’re not sorry at all. And you’ll even switch your phone off on the evening it’s going to take place so no-one can contact you.

When someone tells you you’ll “have fun”

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How do they know? HOW? Two people can have totally different ideas of what constitutes fun. For instance, one friend might really enjoy getting drunk at a party – whilst the other might prefer sitting in the back yard staring at the grouting on the wall. At the same party.

Friday does NOT mean you have to socialise

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You feel like a loser for not wanting to socialise on Friday after an incredibly draining week at work. But then come to realise that on Monday you’ll be fresh as a daisy whilst everyone around you will feel like crud.com

Your personal space is getting wider and wider

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No-one wants anyone to invade their personal space, but when the area around you is wider than Bob Dylan’s back catalogue…it might be a sign you’re getting more introverted

You use technology as a barrier

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You pretend to be using your phone all the time when you’re out, especially if you just happen to see someone you know and want to avoid. You use Facebook and Twitter to pretend you’re having a social life, but in reality, you’re not and are just as happy at home on the sofa.

Being in a crowded room is…

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Totally awks. You’d do anything to run away.

Biscuits are your best friend

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And there’s no finer companion

You’ve perfected the “don’t approach me” look

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And it’s pretty similar to ^^this^^

If anyone ever throws a surprise party…this is how you react

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Then you stay for half an hour and slope off

This…is your idea of heaven

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Kit Dwyer
Kit Dwyer
Writer and comedian. I've been freelancing since 2009. The last 4 years I've been an SEO specialist. In my spare time I blog about new music. I will publish a novel one day, instead of telling everyone about it.


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