HomeFamily15 Struggles Of Being An Adult that Makes Being Adult Annoying

15 Struggles Of Being An Adult that Makes Being Adult Annoying

There comes a time when you have to start taking responsibility, be a bit more serious and realise that you are officially an adult. However, there are many struggles that come with adulthood and whilst we all spend our teenage years wishing that we were older, now the time has finally come it is not all fun and games like it seemed!


When you’re an adult, there is an expectation that you should be sensible! This is no fun in being sensible but as an adult you feel you should be.

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This is the whole reason us adults have learnt to be sensible, because when we aren’t and things go wrong we have to suffer the consequences and can’t go crying to mum and dad.

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The realisation that electricity and water don’t just magically appear is all too real when you become an adult! Bills are a chore for everyone and when you’re the one paying them you soon become far more careful.

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When you make mistakes as an adult you have to be responsible and grown up… even though we do all wish we could still blame our siblings!

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You can no longer rely on your parents to be a free taxi service, this means driving yourself everywhere and even worse, paying for fuel.

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Waking Up

Gone are the days where it was acceptable to be awake til 4am and not wake up until mid-afternoon.

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Unless you are a baller and can pay for a cleaner, the rest of us have to clean up after ourselves, wash up, do the laundry and all those horrible house jobs that adults do!

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You no longer have a delicious, home cooked meal on the table every night! To those that aren’t very familiar with the kitchen it will hit hard becoming an adult and having to cook for yourself!

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With adulthood comes weight gain, if you were one of those teens that can eat as much rubbish food and never put on a pound then watch out as you become an adult. Soon that extra portion of chips will be here to stay!

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Gone are the days where it is remotely acceptable to have a spoon full and sugary strawberry Calpol when you’re feeling under the weather.

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Being Brave

With the distinct lack of Calpol comes being brave as an adult! This means no more tears when you stub your big toe or have a jab!

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Being Polite

As an adult, you soon learn that you have to have patience with others and be polite as behaving like a stroppy teen does not work anymore.

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You’ll find as you grow older you break a lot less things, as chances are you’ve bought them all or know you can’t afford to replace them!! So that iPhone will not have a single crack on it unlike the smashed up mobiles you had as a teen.

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Christmas is not the same anymore when you become an adult, as it is no longer acceptable to expect mountains of presents under the tree and a great toy to play with throughout the day! Once more expect a lot more of those dull pressies like jams, socks and cook books!

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You’ll find you never appreciated those relaxed school days where the most pressure you had was to find a date for the prom!

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