HomeFunny21 Things People Are Embarrassed to Admit They Learned at a Late...

21 Things People Are Embarrassed to Admit They Learned at a Late Age!

If ever you’re feeling down about yourself, just take a look at these 21 facts people only just learned at a late age… However, if you find that any of these apply to you, you may want to find the nearest paper bag and place it over your head for the next few months! For shame.

1. “When I was little I thought the weatherman actually controlled the weather so I’d write in asking for a snow day.”

– ARealBroski

via telegraph.co.uk

2. “Until last year, I thought that the numbers on a toaster dial were for ‘degree of toastiness’ when they’re actually ‘minutes'”

– Tyneside_Blades

via ketoisland.com

3. “When I was younger I thought a serial killer was someone that would come in other people’s houses and steal their cereal!”


via telegraph.co.uk

4. “I’ve only just learnt what ‘pay per view’ is. I thought it was paper view like newspapers and magazines.”


via popcorn.cx

5. “When I was a kid I thought Ends Meat was a recipe that my mom was always talking about trying to make but couldn’t figure out.”

via foodal.com

6. “I only just realized that the phrase ‘if looks could kill’ meant facial expression. I thought if it was if people were really ugly.”


via timeshighereducation.com

7. “I always thought it was pronounced “light-saver” as a kid”.


via telegraph.co.uk

8. “Up until I was 12, I thought that when you put your phone on airplane/flight mode,it would fly if you threw it hard enough.”

– FauveIsNotFunny

via diydrones.com

9. “I thought the term “prima donna” was “pre-Madonna.” I always wondered what happened before her that would demand a new term.”

– Alvarez_Rules

via rollingstone.com

10. “When I was a kid I thought you had to pray to get pregnant, that is why I never prayed as a kid.”

– emmamourouzis

via express.co.uk

11. “Why have I only just learnt dinosaurs were real?! I thought they was made up like dragons!”


via io9.com

12. “That the little piggy who went to market wasn’t going shopping for groceries. Last year it hit me. I’m 28.”


via anglescomic.blogspot.com

13. “I only just learned yesterday that Lindsay Lohan played both roles in “The Parent Trap.” I thought she had a real twin omg.”


via mubi.com

14. “When I was little I used to always circle Ash Wednesday on the calendar because I thought it was about me.”

– Ashlee Sorensen

via gossip-rumors.blogspot.com

15. “Only just deciphered the phrase “the end is nigh.” All these years I’ve thought it was an Irish person saying “the end is now.””


via lifesitenews.com

16. “I’ve only just learnt that there is a high five emoji, I thought it was someone praying!”


via 6abc.com

17. “It’s called “metal” music because it’s harder than rock.”


via geofilms.tv

18. “Only just learned that when British people say “fish slice” they mean “spatula”. I thought their kitchens had a lot more fish going on in.”


via bjws.blogspot.com

19. “Until I was like 11 I thought that the American National anthem was called ‘Star Spangled Banana'”


via chiquitamoms.com

20. “I’ve only just learned to pronounce wifi why fye, and not wee fee like I first thought.”


via tumblr.com

21. “Only just learned that the phrase “horses for courses” meant for race-courses. I always thought it was for some weird dinner party.”


via wordsandtoons.com


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