HomeFunny13 Things Everyone Going Through A New Crush Understands - You Will...

13 Things Everyone Going Through A New Crush Understands – You Will Swear on #7

We’ve all been there. When stuck in the throes of a new crush you’re prone to doing all kinds of crazy things, to the detriment of your dignity and self-esteem. Here are a few “side effects” of infatuation everyone has suffered through at least once in life, and trust us, they’ll make you cringe!

Everytime you see them you get butterflies in your tummy

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Via emlii.com

Drunk, hyperactive butterflies that make you want to vomit.

You jump everytime somebody mentions their name

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Via tumblr.com

Every time a mutual friend mentions their name your heart can’t help but get a little bit excited.

You e-stalk them

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Via giphy.com

You’d be more than embarrassed if they found out, but you just can’t help yourself. You check their Facebook/Instagram/Twitter profile at least once a day, spending hours getting riled up over photos of them with other attractive people (is he with her?! Is she prettier than me?! etc) even though you know they’re probably just friends and can’t help but moon over their old profile pictures (Awh! wasn’t he cute four years ago with his bad emo hair and sweatbands…) It’s weird and it’s cringey, but everyone totally e-stalks their crush – whether they admit to it or not.

You plan ways to “casually” bump into them

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Via gifbay.com

And think of clever/witty things to say in case you get the courage to actually speak to them.

You panic about entering “the friend zone”

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Via emlii.com

You finally get up the courage to talk to them, make plans, hang out with them etc, and when nothing sexual immediately happens you assume you’ve been friend-zoned, even if it’s way too early to tell. Cue dressing up in fancy outfits and acting like a moron to get their attention, which always ends well… (It’ll be a while before you remember that anyone worth being in a relationship with will love you for who you are and return to your normal self again.)

You imagine what it would be like to actually date them

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Via emlii.com

You try not to get your hopes up, but you can’t help imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with this person.

You over analyse everything they say

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Via emlii.com

They say “I like your shirt,” so you wear the same outfit for a week.

You develop Insomnia

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Via tumblr.com

Not the actual “I can’t fall asleep” kind, but the kind where you stay up late to talk to them and end up late for school/college/work the next day.

You begin to question your sanity

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Via emlii.com

You know it’s crazy to be so into someone when you don’t know if they’re into you, and you begin to wonder if you’re not just a little bit mental.

You get jealous over nothing

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Via emlii.com

E-stalking isn’t the only time you get the green-eyed monster, it also happens whenever he/she mentions an ex or anyone they previously dated, no matter how briefly. For a moment you space on the fact that this relationship is all in your head and forget to hide how obviously jealous you are.

You obsessively text your friends

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Via emlii.com

You become so nervous around them that you don’t know what to do, so you constantly text your mates to make sure you’re making the right moves. Or for recovery tips if you make all the wrong ones.

Eventually you can’t take the stress anymore

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Via tumblr.com

You either cave in and tell them how you feel, which can either go very well or very, very wrong. Or you chicken out, and learn to bottle your feelings up so effectively no one would ever guess the unfathomable depth of your crush.

What’s important to remember though is…

Via reddit.com
Via reddit.com

This is only a crush, you will be OK. Eventually. Whether this crush ends up being the love of your life or just a blip on the romantic radar, it will fade, and you will return to your normal, relatively sane self.

Sophie Lloyd
Sophie Lloydhttps://culturepoppress.wordpress.com/
I’m a freelance journalist and general arty person. I love anything creative and I have a degree in Fine Art as well as a Master’s in Arts Journalism. I’m passionate about fashion, feminism and bacon, and have a morbid streak that can only be satisfied with pizza and horror films. Follow me on Twitter for more of my random ramblings.


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