HomeEntertainment20 Great Useless Facts To Tell Your Friends - You Won't Believe...

20 Great Useless Facts To Tell Your Friends – You Won’t Believe #8 is True!

You know those people who seem to know a new fact every day? Those people that will say “Did you know…” and then some form of completely useless fact comes out of their mouth that will never aid them in life? Well, wouldn’t you love to be one of those people? If so, you’re in the right place! We have here 20 Great Useless Facts To Tell Your Friends. They will solidly make you sound like the most cultured person in your friendship group for sure.

Great Useless Fact 1.

Coca-Cola would come out green if colourings weren’t added to it

Via yatzu.com
Via yatzu.com

Great Useless Fact 2.

If you eat a teaspoon of sugar after eating something spicy, it will completely neutralise the pain

Via fameimages.com
Via fameimages.com

Great Useless Fact 3.

All polar bears are left-handed

Via heavemedia.com
Via heavemedia.com

Great Useless Fact 4.

Elephants use the skin folds on their backs to kill mosquitos

Via roumazeilles.net
Via roumazeilles.net

Great Useless Fact 5.

Most American cars honk in the key of F

Via walesoncraic.com
Via walesoncraic.com

Great Useless Fact 6.

A Giraffe can actually go longer without water than the famed Camel can

Via news.nationalgeographic.com
Via news.nationalgeographic.com

Great Useless Fact 7.

10% of the Russian Government’s income comes from the sale of Vodka

Via vodkavalley.com
Via vodkavalley.com

Great Useless Fact 8.

In Singapore it is illegal to sell or even own chewing gum

Via bdnationalpost.com
Via bdnationalpost.com

Great Useless Fact 9.

Ancient Egyptians used to shave off their eyebrows to mourn the death of their cats

Via quickmeme.com
Via quickmeme.com

Great Useless Fact 10.

A snail would take 115 days to travel a mile

Via weknowmemes.com
Via weknowmemes.com

Great Useless Fact 11.

In the Atacama Desert of Chile called Calama it has NEVER rained

Via calamacultural.cl
Via calamacultural.cl

Great Useless Fact 12.

Cats can’t taste sweet things

Via commons.wikimedia.org
Via commons.wikimedia.org

Great Useless Fact 13.

At no point in the rhyme does it say that Humpty Dumpty is an egg

Via youtube.com
Via youtube.com

Great Useless Fact 14.

Right-handed people live, on average; nine years longer than left-handed people

Via m.rookiestew.com
Via m.rookiestew.com

Great Useless Fact 15.

Butterflies taste with their hind feet

Via journalingclub.blogspot.com
Via journalingclub.blogspot.com

Great Useless Fact 16.

Every time you lick a stamp you consume 1/10 of a stamp

Via factslides.com
Via factslides.com

Great Useless Fact 17.

The average person falls asleep in 7 minutes

Via myhousecallmd.com
Via myhousecallmd.com

Great Useless Fact 18.

101 Dalmatians, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp, and Mulan are the only Disney cartoons where both parents are present and don’t die throughout the movie

Via 101dalmatians.wikia.com
Via 101dalmatians.wikia.com

Great Useless Fact 19.

‘Stewardesses’ is the longest word that can be typed with only the left hand on a keyboard

Via scoopnest.com
Via scoopnest.com

Great Useless Fact 20.

Because of the rotation of the earth, an object can be thrown farther if it is thrown west

Via how2draww.blogspot.com
Via how2draww.blogspot.com


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