HomeLife16 Problems You'll Only Identify With If You're an Ambivert

16 Problems You’ll Only Identify With If You’re an Ambivert

Ambiverts are people who don’t fit into the extrovert/introvert paradigm. They have a balance of both outgoing and reserved qualities depending on their mood, their surroundings and their energy levels. If this sounds like you then perhaps you’ll identify quite strongly with these 16 points.

1. Feeling like an introvert until you realize you enjoy socializing way too much.

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2. Feeling like an extrovert until you realize how much you need to retreat into your shell for a week after a few days of mingling.

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3. Wanting to accept every invitation that comes your way, but worrying you won’t have enough time to take a breather.

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4. Being socially conscious, but fiercely independent. You enjoy being in a group but also believe in standing out.

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5. Getting your energy from social interaction, but small talk drains you. You either want an intellectual conversation or peace and quiet in your own mind.

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6. One minute you’re told you are too quiet, but the moment you start talking you’re told to shut up.

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7. Halfway through the week you start to wish you didn’t have a phone and deliberately switch it off because you need some ‘me’ time.

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8. Enjoying working as part of a team (but with like, one other person).

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9. Appearing fickle because one minute you’re hyper and chatty, and the next you’re nowhere to be found.

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10. Enjoying meeting new people, but knowing that you prefer the company of your existing friends.

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11. Being totally fine sitting in silence for about ten minutes, but feeling awkward if it lasts any longer.

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12. You’ve let loose at some amazing social events where you didn’t come home for days.

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13. But it would exhaust you to do that every weekend. Sometimes you just want to chill and watch TV in your favourite onesie.

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14. When you’re surrounded by extroverts, you feel like a mouse among hyenas.

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15. But when you’re surrounded by introverts, you feel like an annoying person who’s constantly asking questions.

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 16. Finally, realising that you’re an ambivert and that’s perfectly okay because you get the best of both worlds!

via goodreads.com


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