HomeGeekySigns of Being Completely Addicted To Twitter

Signs of Being Completely Addicted To Twitter

With over 317 million active users and around 500 million tweets sent every day, Twitter is one of the most popular social media networks around today. Like all others, it can be addictive. The question is, are you addicted? Here are signs you are completely addicted to Twitter – how many apply to you?

  1. You use the word ‘hashtag’ in everyday conversation, much to the annoyance of those around you

    via Gumco.com
    via Gumco.com

2. You’ve come very close to reaching the daily tweet limit of 2,400 tweets in a single day

via Marketingland.com
via Marketingland.com

3. You check your phone hundreds of times every day to see what’s going on in the Twitterverse – you check it as soon as you wake up and fall asleep on your phone

via Comparethemarket.com.au
via Comparethemarket.com.au

4. You’re one of those people who goes out in public looking at their phone the whole time they’re out

via Groovepr.wordpress.com
via Groovepr.wordpress.com

5. If you’re ever involved in an accident or some sort of unfortunate incident, the first thing you think to do is to tweet about it

via Todayifoundout.com
via Todayifoundout.com

6. You panic when your phone comes close to dying

via Diply.com
via Diply.com

7. You’ve forgotten what your local area looks like because you spend all your time staring at your phone tweeting

via Elizabethseer.com
via Elizabethseer.com

8. No matter how many followers you have, it’s never enough

via La-ionophorese.fr
via La-ionophorese.fr

9. You feel a real sense of accomplishment whenever you hit a follower milestone (i.e., 1,000 followers, 10,000 followers) and think it a cause for celebration

via Preapps.com
via Preapps.com

10. Your ultimate goal is to create a hashtag that ends up trending worldwide

via Twitter.com
via Twitter.com

11. You’d rather spend time tweeting than socialising with real-life people

via Thenortheasttoday.com
via Thenortheasttoday.com
James Gibson
James Gibson
I'm a Classics graduate and have been writing for over three years. Hopefully going to go into novel writing some day. I'm mostly interested in theme parks and roller coasters - I've been on 300 coasters and plan on going on lots more!


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