HomeFunny13 Epic Summer Fails That Everyone Can Relate to

13 Epic Summer Fails That Everyone Can Relate to

With the arrival of summer comes some very equally strange and stupid life decisions made by people from all across the globe. From thinking that a busy car park is an ideal sun bathing spot, to believing that sun tan lotion isn’t required even though you’re as read as a lobster and thinking that a supermarket trolley is an appropriate barbecue grill, plenty of individuals tends to make pretty terrible decision once the weather perks up. So, summer is here and so are the epic fails.

10. This man is in seriously desperate need of some sun tan lotion, and the fact that he chooses to wear a swimming cap has managed to make things so much worse…

Summer Is Here And So Are The Epic Fails
Courtesy of lifebuzz.com
James Moore
James Moore
A little bit obsessed with all things film and and tennis. You can catch me binging on films and writing furiously about them, or darting around the court like a mad man.


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