HomeCelebrity12 Times We LOVED The Office's David Brent - #4 Is The...

12 Times We LOVED The Office’s David Brent – #4 Is The BEST

We don’t know about you, but everyone at Voolas is getting EXTRAORDINARILY excited about the impending release of The Office spin off movie “David Brent: Life On The Road”. It feels like it’s been too long since the iconic character graced our screens and made us laugh, cry and cringe in equal measure.

Lets take a look back at some of Mr Brent’s best moments and quotes…

He was an awesome musician

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David Brent: Little while later I see a cowboy crying, I said, “Hey buddy, what can I do?” He says, “I lived a good life, had about a thousand women.” I said “Why the tears?”, he says “’cause none of them was you.”
Tim: What, you?
David Brent: No, he’s looking at a photograph.
Tim: Of you?
David Brent: No, of his girlfriend. The video would have shown it.
Tim: Sorry. It just sounds a bit gay.
David Brent: It’s not gay!

He was a brilliant mover

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Does a struggling salesman start turning up on a bicycle? No, he turns up in a newer car – perception, yeah? They got to trust me – I’m taking these guys into battle, yeah? And I’m doing my own stapling.

His dedication to his job was outstanding

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Neil makes me laugh though, because, you know, it’s his interfering, it’s his timing. Going on about he wants some report doing-it’s red nose day, you know. Ooh, what’s more important, you Neil, with your report, or some starving children? Ooh I don’t know. Ooh what would Lenny Henry say? I think we know-imagine him going out of the door on comic relief day and Dawn French is going ‘Where you going, you haven’t done the washing up. You haven’t put the rubbish out.’ ‘Do it yourself I’ve gotta save some Africans.

You don’t have to be mad to work here

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This is the accounts department, the number bods. Do not be fooled by their job descriptions, they are absolutely mad, all of ’em…

But it helps

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…Especially that one, he’s mental. Not literally of course, that wouldn’t work. Last place you’d want someone like that is in accounts…

He knows what spurs people on

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We’re both good in our own fields. I’m sure Texas couldn’t run and manage a successful paper merchants. I couldn’t do what…well, I could do what they do, and I think they knew that, even back then. Probably what spurred them on.

He believed in himself

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If a good man comes to me, and says thank you David, for the opportunity and continued support in the work-related arena, but I’ve done that, I wanna better myself, I wanna move on, then I can make that dream come true, to, AKA, for you.

He wasn’t afraid to make people laugh

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Speaks for itself…

He was image conscious

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You’ve seen me entertain, and raise money, but maybe I’d like to do that in the future for a living you know. Use my humour and my profile to both help and amuse people, you know. And if it’s ideas for TV shows, game shows or whatever you want, I’m your man. I’m already exploring the entertainment avenue with my management training, but I’d like to do that on a global scale really.

More quality punnage

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Exploiting others flaws…

He had feelings

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Alton Towers

The waste…the waste!

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What is the single most important thing for a company? Is it the building? Is it the stock? Is it the turnover? It’s the people, investment in people. My proudest moment here wasn’t when I increased profits by 17%, or cut expenditure without losing a single member of staff. No. It was a young Greek guy, first job in the country, hardly spoke a word of English, but he came to me and he went ‘Mr Brent, will you be the Godfather to my child?’ Didn’t happen in the end. We had to let him go, he was rubbish. He was rubbish.

Kit Dwyer
Kit Dwyer
Writer and comedian. I've been freelancing since 2009. The last 4 years I've been an SEO specialist. In my spare time I blog about new music. I will publish a novel one day, instead of telling everyone about it.


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