HomeCelebrity8 Times The Paparazzi Went Too Far - #5 Took A Life

8 Times The Paparazzi Went Too Far – #5 Took A Life

One of the most frustrating things about being a celebrity is dealing with the paparazzi. Like them or not, they can boost a celeb’s profile and help their career by giving them more exposure. But celebs are human and there’s only so much they can take – imagine being followed all the time by a group of people constantly taking photos of your every move? There have been some occasions when the paparazzi, for one reason or another, have taken things a bit too far.

  1. Britney Spears

via Playbuzz.com
via Playbuzz.com

Who can forget the time an enraged Britney attacked a paparazzo’s car with an umbrella? In 2007, the singer was in between rehab stints and had just shaved off her head, which the paparazzi captured for all to see, of course. She then pleaded for some privacy before grabbing the umbrella and attacking the car. Many blamed the paparazzi for pushing Britney too far.

  1. Chris Martin

via Eonline.com
via Eonline.com

Back in 2008, Chris’ then ex Gwyneth Paltrow was leaving a New York City hospital when the paparazzi came and wouldn’t leave her alone. Frustrated by the infringement on his then wife’s privacy, Chris then wrestled a paparazzo to the ground for refusing to stop taking photos.

  1. Kate Middleton

via Closerweekly.com
via Closerweekly.com

While on holiday at a private villa in France, a paparazzo camped out at a nearby location. From this vantage point, the paparazzo snapped topless photos of the Duchess, which caused outrage for the lack of consideration for her privacy, especially considering she was on private property at the time.

  1. Chris Guerre

via Nydailynews.com
via Nydailynews.com

Chris Guerre was a paparazzo who actually died trying to get photos of Justin Bieber. While trying to snap the star, Chris ran out on to a road and got hit and killed by a passing car.

  1. Princess Diana

via Today.com
via Today.com

Arguably the most famous case of the paparazzi going too far, in 1997 Princess Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris. Even though a French judicial investigation found the driver of the car, Henri Paul, was to blame, many believe the paparazzi, who had been following Diana during her time in Paris, were at least partially to blame.

  1. Lily Allen

via Stereogum.com
via Stereogum.com

In 2009, a paparazzo drove into the back of Lily’s car, sending the singer into a rage. She kicked him, punched him and threw a bottle of water over him. She’d had previous incidents of paparazzi rage and ended up getting an injunction because she felt the press were being far too intrusive.

  1. Lindsay Lohan

via Tenetnews.com
via Tenetnews.com

The actress hasn’t had the best of relationships with the paparazzi. Not only has she tweeted about suffering from anxiety because of paps constantly following her around, she also punched one on the nose when he apparently tripped her up as she was leaving her hotel.

  1. Russell Brand

via Huffingtonpost.co.uk
via Huffingtonpost.co.uk

Russell was arrested for being involved in an altercation with a paparazzo who was trying to get photos up Russell’s then wife, Katy Perry. He left prison the same day after posting the $20,000 bail.

James Gibson
James Gibson
I'm a Classics graduate and have been writing for over three years. Hopefully going to go into novel writing some day. I'm mostly interested in theme parks and roller coasters - I've been on 300 coasters and plan on going on lots more!


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