HomeFunny15 Examples Of The Truly Bizarre And Awesome Things Happening in Life!

15 Examples Of The Truly Bizarre And Awesome Things Happening in Life!

The internet is a vast and gloriously complex platform for us to discover endless amounts of information, communicate with people all around the globe and order a tasty meal if we really feel like it. Of course, I’m only scratching the surface and we all now the possibilities of the internet are never ending. Every now and then, though, you just need the internet to provide you with some pure and unfiltered awesomeness. Well, we’ve got you covered if that’s what you’re looking for. Check out 15 examples of the truly bizarre and awesome.

11. A Buddhist monk’s body remains preserved in gold years after he passes away.

15 Examples Of The Truly Bizarre And Awesome
Courtesy of lifebuzz.com
James Moore
James Moore
A little bit obsessed with all things film and and tennis. You can catch me binging on films and writing furiously about them, or darting around the court like a mad man.


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