HomeEntertainmentThe Boom Of Internet And Its Benefits

The Boom Of Internet And Its Benefits

In an interesting news article featured on the BBC today, it was claimed that many of today’s children spend up to three hours a day on their tablets or mobile devices. Many of them don’t even watch a TV set anymore, choosing to get all their entertainment online.

This got us thinking! What did we do before the internet existed? Here are things that we used to do the hard way but the boom of internet and its benefits simplified them! Whatever did we do without technology?

7. Ate meals with our families

That thing when we all sat around the table at 5.30pm every night to eat a meal. Not sitting with a tray on our laps, all in different rooms, hunched over our iPhones. Family time was something to be treasured. The arguments, the “I don’t like carrots, Mum”, the “who could eat their tea and get onto pudding before anyone else” competition. Not to mention who didn’t get to do the washing up.

via wikimedia
Kit Dwyer
Kit Dwyer
Writer and comedian. I've been freelancing since 2009. The last 4 years I've been an SEO specialist. In my spare time I blog about new music. I will publish a novel one day, instead of telling everyone about it.


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