HomeFunny13 Creepiest Things Kids Have Said to Their Parents

13 Creepiest Things Kids Have Said to Their Parents

Kids can be adorable. All those little girls who love pink, dancing and showing you their extensive collection of Barbie dolls. Or mucky but cute little boys who collect bugs, play with their cars and look adorable in their little superhero outfits. Yes, kids can be adorable.

They can also be incredibly creepy, kids which is what one Reddit user found out when he asked parents to recall the creepiest things their kids have said to them. The results are frankly terrifying. From seeing boogie men in the corner, cutting out babies and even waking up your parents while holding a carving knife. There’s no denying that there’s a load of creepy kids in the world.

We’ve picked our favourite creepy things kids have said to their parents below. But be warned – these conversations might just put you off ever having your own children or even terrified of the kids you have:

1. “Daddy, this time it’s goodbye.”

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via TeamJimmyjoe.com

2. Hopefully this dad doesn’t have a psychic child…

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via Reddit.com

3. You’ll need to sleep with one eye open with this creepy kid!

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via Twenttwowords.com

4. A 7 year old’s guide to dating.

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via Buzzfeed.com

5. “He’s behind you.”

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via Reddit.com

6. This sounds like a start to a nice sibling rivalry.

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via Buzzfeed.com

7. The creepy kid who can speak Spanish in their sleep

via Teamjimmyjoes.com
via Teamjimmyjoe.com

8. It’s probably best not to ask kids what they’re thinking about.

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via Buzzfeed.com

9. At this point you would move house, wouldn’t you?

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via Twentytwowords.com

10. One kid who’s creepy and one kid who appreciates how big you are. Lucky mum!

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via Buzzfeed.com

11. It’s really not too late to put your child up for adoption…

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via Teamjimmyjoe.com

12. You really don’t want to mess with this toddler.

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via Buzzfeed.com

13. Maybe this boy just wants to grow up to be a surgeon. Or perhaps a serial killer…

creepy kids
via Twentytwowords.com
Steph Cosway
Steph Cosway
Journalism graduate and 100% geek. I have worked in writing for the last 7 years as well as dabbling in a science laboratory. So if I ever stop writing, it's because I've been in a lab experiment and turned into a super villain. I'm particularly interested in video games, comics and Harry Potter. Oh and I have lots and lots of cats.


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