HomeFood15 Foods That Are So Bad, They're Good

15 Foods That Are So Bad, They’re Good

In a world where six packs and eating clean is super popular, sometimes those cravings hit hard and all you want is the most unhealthy thing possible. Some foods are so crazy we don’t know who thought them up but what we are sure of is that they’re so bad that they’re good.

Mac And Cheese Toastie

This takes the best lunch of a cheese toastie to the next level, this car overload looks irresistibly good.

via kirbiecraving.com
via kirbiecraving.com

Burger Pizza

The best two fast foods have finally been married together to make the best cheat meal ever. Burger topped cheesey pizza sounds sooo good and its surprising it hasn’t been made sooner.

via goodfood.com
via goodfood.com

Deep Fried Mars Bar

Yes, this really does exist. We’re not sure whether the person that first made this is genius or slightly mad but either way we’re sure it is delicious.

via thetimes.co.uk
via thetimes.co.uk

Deep Fried Oreo

The number one cookie has joined the fried craze and we cannot deny that they do look really tastey.

via the305.com
via the305.com


A cronut is the combination of a donut and a croissant. This looks amazing but when should this be eaten as a croissant is a breakfast food and a doughnut is a snack or dessert.

via finedininglovers.com
via finedininglovers.com

Pizza Burger

This is not the pizza being topped with burgers but the burger being sandwiched between pizzas!!

via seriouseats.com
via seriouseats.com

Breakfast Waffle

Why choose between waffles and a cooked breakfast when you can have a breakfast sandwich made with a waffle.

via consumerist.com
via consumerist.com

Deep Fried Ice Cream

Who knew this was possible, cold ice cream put in a burning hot fryer but the impossible has been done and it looks incredible.

via dishmaps.com
via dishmaps.com

Deep Fried Pizza

Pizza is the ultimate good food and all things fried are super unhealthy but usually tastey so combine the two and you get a deep fried crispy slice of hot yummy pizza.

via tumblr.com
via tumblr.com

Battered Sausages

The homely comfort food sausages have been battered, fried to leave something that was already delicious as incredible.

via mermaidfisher.com
via mermaidfisher.com

Fried Cheesecake

These cheesecake balls look not only really pretty, artistic and not to mention mouth watreringly tastey.

via forkable.net
via forkable.net

Deep Fried Doughnut Bacon Cheese

This is really so wrong and will probably make you gain a stone just looking at it but must taste so good. Whoever made this combination was crazy.

via entrepreneur.com
via entrepreneur.com

Fried Bread

The british classic breakfast food , takes the already unhealthy white bread and frys it to a crispy, golden slice of deliciousness.

via charlesprogers.com
via charlesprogers.com

Cookie Sandwiches

The best lunch food has met the best dessert, we introduce the cookie sandwich with an ice cream filling.

via cookingclassy.com
via cookingclassy.com

English Fry Up

A plate of golden fried bread, crispy bacon, sizzling sausages, runny egg yolks and all the other tastey breakie bits is probably the worst way to start a day but will be very delicious.

via smithandjournal.com
via smithandjournal.com


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