HomeFamily20 Things Only Sibling No. 2 Would Know - No. 11 Is...

20 Things Only Sibling No. 2 Would Know – No. 11 Is Everyone’s Favorite

When you’re the youngest sibling, you often fall victim to the constant stereotypyes of being the naughty one, the baby , having to receive hand me downs – you name it! Whilst everyone is busy stereotyping the second sibling, they’ve missed what that sibling has worked out! Here is those 20 things only the sibling number 2 would know.

You’ll Always Be Protected

Older siblings are often very protective of their baby brothers/sisters so you’ll never have to worry when you’re in school or anywhere in life.

Courtesy of Pinterest.com
Courtesy of Pinterest.com

You’ll be the most fashionable

So many sibling number 2’s fall guilty to stealing their favourite pieces of clothing, cosmetics, jewellery and even shoes so when you grow up and build apon their great style, you will be bound to be the most stylish.

Courtesy of lolpics.co.uk
Courtesy of lolpics.co.uk

The Elder Sibling Makes The Decisions

Which makes it less likely that the blame will be put on you! The youngens don’t get away with everything through chance, it is tactically done!

Courtesy of dailymail.co.uk
Courtesy of dailymail.co.uk

You’ll Act As a Agony Aunt

You’ll be the one everyone comes to in their hour of need and when they need a good rant about another member of the family.

Courtesy of bigtomatocompany.com
Courtesy of bigtomatocompany.com

This Makes You The Family Fountain Of Wisdom

You know all the gossip and what everyone is thinking but no one is saying so everyone will want to be on your sweet side.

Courtesy of blogcdn.com
Courtesy of blogcdn.com

You’re Parents Are Already Prepped

You’re second in line to all the crazy things your older sibling has done, will make it less drama when you go through a crazy phase.

Courtesy of usnews.com
Courtesy of usnews.com

But This Also Went Against You

Your parents had higher expectations of you to learn from your older siblings mistakes.. how unfair!

Courtesy of polyvore.com
Courtesy of polyvore.com

You’ll Have A Free Tutor

Your elder sibling will always be ahead of you in school so you always have someone to go to when you need help with your maths homework, or to check out what they did when assigned a hard project.

Courtesy of savvyauntie.com
Courtesy of savvyauntie.com

This Also Worked Against You

As you never had any exam sympathy as your older sibling had already done them and your parents had already been through the stress of one lot of exams! You also run the risk of following in their shadow and feeling like you have to achieve their high grades.

Courtesy of canberratimes.com
Courtesy of canberratimes.com

You Have Tons Of Names

Unfortunately being the youngest, when being spoken to, you could be called a real of family names before it gets to yours!

Courtesy of thesirenstale.com
Courtesy of thesirenstale.com

You Never Grow Up

You’ll always be the youngest and everyone will always see you as the baby, this might seem terrible in your teens but will be great when you’re older!

Courtesy of stthomashealth.com
Courtesy of stthomashealth.com

You’ll Have Incredible Memories

Your best times will be when your older sibling was left in charge, whether it was for 10 minutes or when they’re older enough be your babysitter.

Courtesy of bestmomstv.com
Courtesy of bestmomstv.com

You Realised Earlier

Santa, the tooth fairy, Easter bunny and all your favourite fictional characters were all spoilt by your older sibling as soon as they realised the revelation that none are real!

Courtesy of blogspot.com
Courtesy of blogspot.com

Being The Most Teased

Yes, I’m sure a lot of younger siblings will agree they were often the ones that were most picked on and teased.

Courtesy of onsugar.com
Courtesy of onsugar.com

You’re Always Accused Of Being The Favourite

But hey, can you blame them? If you’ve been through all that being the youngest then you deserve the favourite title!

Courtesy of Pinterest.com
Courtesy of Pinterest.com


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