HomeFunny14 People Who Failed So Incredibly Hard That Its Unbelievable! #5 is...

14 People Who Failed So Incredibly Hard That Its Unbelievable! #5 is Just Ridiculous!

Every now and then, you’ll see somebody doing something so ridiculous or painfully unorthodox that it’ll make you question humanity’s whole existence. You’ll wonder how they’re managing to take on some of the most simple and mundane tasks in the most outrageous and stupid of way. But you’ll quickly give up, because sometimes there’s absolutely no explanation for some things. From using a loaded gun as an earplug to trying to cover your criminal face with permanent marker instead of a mask, these fails are just simply unbelievable. So the question that’s going to be on all of your minds is this; how did all these people fail so incredibly hard?

11. He was just trying to re-capture the joys of his childhood, but he ended up in what looks like one of the most uncomfortable positions ever.

How Did All These People Fail So Incredibly Hard?
Courtesy of lifebuzz.com
James Moore
James Moore
A little bit obsessed with all things film and and tennis. You can catch me binging on films and writing furiously about them, or darting around the court like a mad man.


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