HomeFunny13 Brilliant Photos Taken At Exactly The Right Moment

13 Brilliant Photos Taken At Exactly The Right Moment

There are some photos that were taken at the just right time and look pretty cool. If they were taken a second earlier or later, they would probably have turned out completely different. They do say that when it comes to photography, timing is everything. Here are 13 brilliant photos taken at exactly the right moment.

  1. That’s bound to have hurt…

via Wikilinks.fr

2. The less that’s said about this one, the better

via Express.co.uk

3. A second from disaster, or so it would seem

via Prettymomguide.com

4. When a baby fuses into his dad

via Slappedham.com

5. It’s not a real dog, by the way…

via Buzzsharer.com

6. What a way to spend your time at the beach

via Earthporm.com

7. Let’s hope she didn’t get stung…

via Wikilinks.fr

8. This dog can clearly see what’s coming and doesn’t like it!

via Izismile.com

9. Now the dog knows what bubbles taste like…

via Lolwot.com

10. The headless gymnast

via List25.com

11. The one with the flying jockey

via Dvdbo.com

12. The dress that blends perfectly into the beach and sea

via Curiator.com

13. The cats in love

via Top13.net


James Gibson
James Gibson
I'm a Classics graduate and have been writing for over three years. Hopefully going to go into novel writing some day. I'm mostly interested in theme parks and roller coasters - I've been on 300 coasters and plan on going on lots more!


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