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Can You Play With Me Today Instead of Looking At Your Phone Mummy – Son’s Comment Makes Mom Make Life Changing Decision

Technology is taking over our lives. Whether it be social networking, watching TV shows or movies, gaming or looking for information; it looks like the Internet and smart phones are replacing all the other things that were once a part and parcel of a normal healthy life.

We all know how close a family is. A mother is the centre of universe for her children and a father is simply irreplaceable. Just imagine this whole unit breaking because of an outsider and that outsider being a smart phone. Something similar was taking this mom’s attention more than her kids and she made a life changing decision.

On a post on a Facebook group, this lady shared her short yet emotional story which was priceless and had us thinking what we are teaching our generation?

smart phone mummy leaves phone to spend time with kids
via voolas.com

Guys I’m getting rid of the hardest bit of clutter I’ve ever dealt with next week.

My smartphone.

I’m actually dreading it.


I’ve realised how much time I’ve wasted on Facebook etc. and it took my 6 year old to say to me ‘why are you always looking at your phone mummy? Can you play with me instead today?’ …

Broke my heart and realised he was right.

I’m disconnected from my family because I’m so connected to everyone else.

Ive tried putting my phone down and ignoring it but it’s become such a habit that I’m really struggling.

So I’m going cold turkey and have bought an old Nokia for actual phone calls and texting. I’m still going online at lunchtime and when the kids are in bed.

But I don’t want them growing up learning that it’s normal to be staring at a phone screen all the time. I want to finally start setting an example and acting like the parent that I wish I was. This is embarrassing and hard to admit but there we go. Please wish me luck xxx

via voolas.com
via voolas.com

What she did was brave as giving up on socializing is one of the most difficult things to do these days. On the other hand it leaves us thinking where we lie as modern parents? Are we too busy to give time to our precious kids just because we are sharing a joke on Facebook or attending a rather unimportant Whatsapp call. Whatever it is that is taking up our time which should be spent with our family, our kids is not worth it and should be given up at any cost.

So would you put down your smart phone and get back to your life the way it was? Lucky you, if you change your mind and make it your new year’s resolution.

We wish her luck to carry on her decision which is one of the most needed ones these days.

Elsie is a creative writer with a passion for writing about all things light and funny, she loves to cheer up people and brighten up the day of people around her and those who read her posts.


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