HomeAnimals9 Smart Animals Who Are Nearly As Smart As Humans - #4...

9 Smart Animals Who Are Nearly As Smart As Humans – #4 is Extra-Ordinary!

Humans might be happy in the knowledge that we’re the smartest animals on the planet, but did you know there are a few other smart animals who aren’t far behind us in the intelligence ranks?

1. Chimpanzees

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Chimpanzees are the closest relative to humans, indeed we share 98% of the same genome with our ape friends. And this close relation is shown in the behaviour of chimpanzees. Like humans, chimps are capable of empathy and self-awareness. While hunting they are smart enough to create weapons and will hunt in teams.

2. Dolphins

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Dolphins have shown on numerous occasions that they are smart animals. It’s even thought that dolphins may use certain clicks and whistles to actually name each other. They are also capable of knowing to do tricks in order to get treats.

3. Elephants

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Elephants are considered smart animals due to their ability to be self-aware. Elephants are known to console each other when upset, communicate and one elephant was even known to recognise herself in the mirror.

4. Cephalopods

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Cephalopods such as an octopus and or a squid have very similar brains to humans with their folded lobes. These creatures are known for their hatred of being bored, curiosity and an ability to learn how to use tools.

5. Crows

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Crows are considered to be smart animals due to their uncanny ability to make tools. These clever birds will fashion tools out of sticks, feathers and anything else they can find in order to reach food for themselves.

6. Squirrels

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Squirrels are really deceptive – making them awfully smart animals. Some squirrels mask themselves from predators by concealing their scent the smell of rattlesnakes. Regular squirrels are able to map exactly where they left their food and even prevent others from finding it.

7. Dogs

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It’s often debated about whether dogs are smart animals or just super obedient, however their ability to read non-verbal cues had led scientists to believe that man’s best friend is pretty intelligent. Other studies have shown that dogs are able to pick out pictures of dogs so they must have at least some awareness.

8. Cats

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Any animal who chooses to nap all day is smart in our books, but what do the scientists say? Well, like dogs, cats are capable of learning tricks the same as dogs. However, cats learn slower that dogs. Perhaps this is down to a slower intelligence or, more likely, they’re just lazy.

9. Pigs

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Pigs are often given a rough deal by being called dirty and stupid. In reality pigs are both smart animals and very clean. They just roll in mud to keep cool as they cannot sweat. Pigs are thought to be incredibly smart – as smart as chimpanzees!

Steph Cosway
Steph Cosway
Journalism graduate and 100% geek. I have worked in writing for the last 7 years as well as dabbling in a science laboratory. So if I ever stop writing, it's because I've been in a lab experiment and turned into a super villain. I'm particularly interested in video games, comics and Harry Potter. Oh and I have lots and lots of cats.


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