HomeFunnyAre Magazine Advice Columns Worth Our Attention?

Are Magazine Advice Columns Worth Our Attention?

Women’s magazines – you love to hate them. But, even though you know they’re a load of crap, sometimes you just can’t resist a quick flick through. Advice columns are a particular source of ridicule, with questions so eye-rollingly ridiculous it’s hard to believe somebody took the time to write and send them off. The responses are usually just as bad, so bad you end up hoping readers don’t actually put them to the test for the sake of their physical/mental/general wellbeing.

Image courtesy of giphy.com
Image courtesy of giphy.com

However, advice columns and the agony aunts that write them aren’t the only source of bad guidance found in these kinds of publications. The fashion section, the health section and the home/design section are equally as crummy at giving ‘useful’ tips. Here is a list of the some of the best so-good-it’s-bad advice we could find from womens’ magazines.

13. I wonder how many girls got dumped after following this ‘tip’?

Sophie Lloyd
Sophie Lloydhttps://culturepoppress.wordpress.com/
I’m a freelance journalist and general arty person. I love anything creative and I have a degree in Fine Art as well as a Master’s in Arts Journalism. I’m passionate about fashion, feminism and bacon, and have a morbid streak that can only be satisfied with pizza and horror films. Follow me on Twitter for more of my random ramblings.


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