HomeFamily19 Kids Crying for the Silliest Imaginable Reasons

19 Kids Crying for the Silliest Imaginable Reasons

It’s hard growing-up. There’s so much to learn, lots of cartoons to watch and even more toys to play with. So when grown-ups start laughing at us for crying, those poor get awfully annoyed. Even when these kids are crying for the silliest reasons:

1. Because Iron Man wasn’t in costume

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Distractify.com

Don’t cry, little guy – it’s still Tony Stark. We can’t make him go around in his Iron Man suit all the time. We’re loving Robert Downey Jr’s horrified face though.

2. He wasn’t allowed to get a tattoo

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Pinterest.com

We don’t blame him, it must have been tempting in that tattoo studio with all that lovely Dettol in the air. However, instead of getting a Peppa Pig tattoo now, maybe you should wait 16 years and then get a tattoo.

3. He couldn’t find the red balloon

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Sunnyskyz.com

It’s behind you! Oh. it’s not pantomime season yet? Oh well.

4. When she found out Mum wasn’t her real name

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Pinterest.com

Well it must have been quite the shock for her. Although it would have been a very, very common name otherwise.

5. His duck had gone missing

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Ebaumsworld.com

Now this is a mean parent! Somehow we’re suspecting a daddy is behind this.

6. He doesn’t want to go!

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Her.ie

Poor kid, he really doesn’t want to go, even if he isn’t going anywhere. Children are hilarious.

7. The dog was in the way

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Sunnyskyz.com

We get the feeling the dog was in the way of whatever naughty plan this boy had in mind.

8. He didn’t fit in the Lego box

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Twitter.com

Well that sounds like a perfectly reasonable thing to cry over…

9. He had eaten all the cake

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Pinterest.com

Don’t worry kid, we’ve all been there on numerous times. When there is no cake it is perfectly reasonable to cry.

10. She isn’t allowed to marry a relative

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Distractify.com

Don’t worry, she’ll be wanting to marry One Direction instead soon enough.

11. His dinner wasn’t ready yet

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Justsomething.co

The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Which makes sense for this kid crying, he’s been waiting FOREVER.

12. He realised that he’s ordered the wrong dinner

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Mommyshorts.com

Seriously though, how can you cry over pizza? Pizza is the best.

13. He couldn’t dance to Beyonce

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Hexjam.com

Well who wouldn’t cry if bad internet came between you and a Beyonce jam? He’s going to regret this photograph in a few years though…

14. Because her bad parents stopped her drinking toilet cleaner

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Mommyshorts.com

We’re siding with the parents on this one.

15. She didn’t fit through the dog’s door

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Laughspark.com

Poor wee lamb, maybe she should try the human door in the future.

16. He’s got stuck

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Buddygambol.com

Serves him right for climbing on the furniture. Bad parent for taking a picture before helping him though.

17. This kid who is just trying to feed his pet dinosaur

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Parentscountry.com

It’s an injustice! They need to make those Lego heads smaller.

18. Miley Cyrus was on the TV

kids crying for the silliest reasons
via Vrouwen.nl

Well it’s true, Miley Cyrus can be truly terrifying.

19. The goat ate the goat food

kids crying for the silliest things
via Pinterest.com

And the goat would do it again!

Steph Cosway
Steph Cosway
Journalism graduate and 100% geek. I have worked in writing for the last 7 years as well as dabbling in a science laboratory. So if I ever stop writing, it's because I've been in a lab experiment and turned into a super villain. I'm particularly interested in video games, comics and Harry Potter. Oh and I have lots and lots of cats.



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