HomeEntertainment5 TV Couples We Wanted To Get Together That Never Happened

5 TV Couples We Wanted To Get Together That Never Happened

Everyone loves a good TV romance, especially when they’re formed from one of those ‘will they/won’t they couples.’ You know the type. A pairing that seem so right for one another, but there are too many obstacles in their path until finally, one day, they get it together. Well, this article isn’t about the Ross and Rachel’s of the small screen, it’s for the Joey’s and the Phoebe’s. It’s dedicated to those TV couples that should have got together, but for some reason never did and it broke our hearts.

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Image courtesy of tumblr.com

5. Phoebe and Joey

If anyone two of the ‘Friends’ gang should have got together, it should have been Joey and Phoebe. Pheebs openly admitted to having a crush on Joey, and he was obviously physically attracted back since her dated her identical twin sister Ursela. Despite only being friends, Joey and Phoebe kissed a total of five times – that’s quite a lot for a none couple! And they also had a ridiculous amount of schemes that ended up with the two of them getting married.

On a more practical note, the quirky duo just seemed to get each other. Although Phoebe ended up with Mike who loved her for her eccentricity, Joey and her had far better chemistry.

Sophie Lloyd
Sophie Lloydhttps://culturepoppress.wordpress.com/
I’m a freelance journalist and general arty person. I love anything creative and I have a degree in Fine Art as well as a Master’s in Arts Journalism. I’m passionate about fashion, feminism and bacon, and have a morbid streak that can only be satisfied with pizza and horror films. Follow me on Twitter for more of my random ramblings.


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