HomeFunnyThe 6 Funniest Things To Happen During An Exam - #3 is...

The 6 Funniest Things To Happen During An Exam – #3 is a Nightmare!

An exam can be a tense and nerve racking atmosphere, so it’s always nice when something funny or downright ridiculous happens during it. From stink bombs to cheaters getting their comeuppance, here are the 6 funniest things to happen during an exam.

4. These guys knew there was safety in numbers

If you all stick together, they can’t disqualify absolutely everybody who’s sitting the exam, and this group of high school students were clearly very aware of that. This was a pretty genius and also stupid ploy.

In our school we have something called the ‘Car Crash’. Basically, everyone gets settled down in the exam room and once everything has gone quiet, one person (chosen beforehand) will slam the entire top half of their body onto their desk and then everyone else in the exam room does it simultaneously a second afterwards. There is a huge noise and the examiners are just looking round completely bemused by what has just happened. Funniest thing I have seen throughout my entire school days.

the 6 funniest things to happen during an exam
Courtesy of tumblr.com
James Moore
James Moore
A little bit obsessed with all things film and and tennis. You can catch me binging on films and writing furiously about them, or darting around the court like a mad man.


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