HomeEntertainment6 Historical Facts That Aren't Actually True - #5 is Pretty Good!

6 Historical Facts That Aren’t Actually True – #5 is Pretty Good!

Most historical facts throughout the years are concrete and simply undeniable, like WWII ending September 2, 1945, or Martin Luther King being assassinated on 4 April, 1968. But, sometimes the history books get things a little mixed up, and people’s perception of apparently huge historical moments become incredible warped. We dug up a few and investigated, so here are 6 historical facts that aren’t actually true.

4. Vikings never ever wore horned helmets, seriously

Even though every representation of a viking you’ve ever seen has been with a horned helmet, there’s absolutely no archaeological findings that suggest this particularly strange fashion choice.

The misconception stems from performances of Richard Wagner’s opera “Der Ring de Nibelungen” taking place since 1786. The costume designer for the first showing of the opera decided to use horns for the Vikings, probably confusing Viking fashion with that of early European settlers. What a fool.

6 Historical Facts That Aren't Actually True
Courtesy of blogcritics.org
James Moore
James Moore
A little bit obsessed with all things film and and tennis. You can catch me binging on films and writing furiously about them, or darting around the court like a mad man.


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