HomeEntertainment7 Awesome Ways To Celebrate Super Bowl Sunday In Style

7 Awesome Ways To Celebrate Super Bowl Sunday In Style

Everybody, get your diaries out immediately. Our favourite sporting event, from our neighbours across the pond. Sunday the 7th of February, marks the 50th anniversary with special guests Coldplay as the half time entertainment. Very exciting for sports fans or those who need any excuse to throw a party. Since my second year of University, in 2012, I’ve been indulging in the Super Bowl (and have kind of picked up the rules since then) and I will never look back.

So, you want to celebrate? Here is the definitive top 10 list of how to make your Super Bowl Sunday an amazing experience.

3. Decorations

This can easily be reconstructed using green tablecloth and some football print outs. If you want to keep it simpler, create bunting with the finalist team names written on them and display. Other bunting ideas can include a touchdown sign.

via celebrations.com
via celebrations.com
via catchmyparty.com
via catchmyparty.com

Paper chains with football-style markings, or pitch measurements.

via celebrateanddecorate.com
Natasha Tooray
Natasha Tooray
Amateur masterchef. Superior comedian. I like cats, cocktails and creepy texts you aren't suspecting. You can check out my Pinterest below: I pin interior design, clothes, travelling and food.


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