HomeCelebrityTaylor Swift Has Just Donated A Huge Sum of Money To Kesha...

Taylor Swift Has Just Donated A Huge Sum of Money To Kesha – But Why?

Kesha’s legal issues are storming social media currently, with fans and activists taking to social media to support her and show some love through such a difficult time and also very controversial. At times like these, victims often require a lot of support and pop sensation Taylor Swift decided that could be her!

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via eonline.com

Whilst Kesha is enduring traumatic legal meetings and court cases to help her be released from her contract with Sony due to sexual assault from Dr Luke within the label, Taylor wanted to show her support and love by donating a huge $250 thousand dollars to help with legal bills and to help generally through such a tough time… after all the last thing she probably needs is money worries to add to the awful case she is suffering through.

via popsugar.com
via popsugar.com

However, there has been quite a bit of controversy surrounding this mighty generous monetary donation, people are arguing, including fellow pop star Demi Lovato, that money does not just ‘fix’ everything and you can’t pay to show support. Once more, some people are sceptical about whether this is a publicity act of kindness that will get Taylor’s name involved and make her look like a great person within the media. Demi Lovato was seen commenting on the matter over social media, basically explaining that she does believe in supporting Kesha and uniting not by paying others, but by giving victims a voice, spreading awareness and preventing unacceptable behaviour going unpunished. To this Taylor’s fans were quick to defend her and make it clear that Taylor was simply being a good person, despite Taylor and Kesha not being known friends or having ever socialised.

via vip.ie
via vip.ie

Taylor Swift has not publicly posted about Kesha, nor justified the huge $250 thousand donation so it is still pretty unclear whether there really is a great reason for the money and she did want to get the positive, charitable publicity or whether she was genuinely trying to do a kind act and people have been too judgemental about the situation. Either way, it is important to give victims a voice and to stand up against what is wrong and bad behaviour. What do you think, was giving money the most helpful thing Taylor Swift could have done or is it slightly random and attention seeking?


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