HomeCelebrityHeres Why We All Need To Stop Body Shaming

Heres Why We All Need To Stop Body Shaming

Recently, there has been a big uproar about ‘body shaming’, whether this is directed to someone that is curvy, skinny, fat, thin or anything in between. There is a constant battle between loving yourself, feeling okay about the way you look and being accepted within society for a lot of people so the size their body is, is bound to stir up some emotion within this. However, we should not cause these negative emotions for people nor shame others for the way they look.

‘Real Woman’ Does Not Refer To Size

via ladonnamoderna.com
via ladonnamoderna.com

A lot of body shaming came from the viral meme’s and images that suggested a ‘real woman’ had to look a certain, hourglass, curvy way. This made many that don’t fall into that box (and some that do) question if they are real? Durrr of course they are, realness does not come in a certain body, so this attitude is pretty dumb.

And ‘Real Men’

via bostonglobe.com
via bostonglobe.com

This applies to men too, big muscles, and a model’s six pack does not make you any more manly than someone slim and not crazily ripped. Being a man or manly does not go hand in hand with physical appearance.

Why Does It Matter

via ivillage.ca
via ivillage.ca

Why is body shaming happening? When did it start to matter what other people look like and why do we feel to have an opinion on what they might look like?

What Do You Gain?

via huffigntonpost.com
via huffigntonpost.com

What does anyone gain from being critical or commenting on what they physically look like. No one likes having the way they look being commented on in a negative manner so do not go around shaming others for their physical appearance.

Weight = Happiness

via pinterest.com
via pinterest.com

In a society where body image and weight seems to equal happiness, everyone directs their hate towards this negative ideal at the media and fashion industry when actually, by joining in on hate towards different body types we are just enforcing this unhappy, ironic cycle.

Encouraging Bad Attitudes

via wkuherald.com
via wkuherald.com

By body shaming, this sends out terrible messages to others and potentially more influential and vulnerable people such as a more young audience. Once more, it encourages us to be judgemental towards others, which is a horrible trait seen within our society.

Or Unhealthy Habits

via sarahvance.com
via sarahvance.com

By body shaming others, it might lead to an unhealthy lifestyle where the person that feels targeted might develop an unhealthy attitude towards their looks and develop unhealthy habits. Such as under eating to look ‘skinnier’ or eating bad foods to be ‘more curvy’.

Why Should People Be Like You?

via hercampus.com
via hercampus.com

If you body shame a certain group of people for their weight or physical appearances, this might come across to suggest you think that how you appear is the ‘right’ way or a superior way to look. This is when you should ask yourself, what makes you so perfect? What gives you the right to comment on someone’s appearance? And why should people be like you?

Learn To Love Yourself And Others

via tumblr.com
via tumblr.com

If everyone focused their energy on learning to love themselves and loving others, then we would all fall into a much healthier cycle. Once more, we could inspire others to feel more comfortable in their own skin, which is a gift.

Enjoy Being Different!

via itseasybeingvegan.com
via itseasybeingvegan.com

Why not enjoy to be different? It would be such a boring world if we all looked the exact same, weighed the exact same and all had the same figures. We all have insecurities, but we all also have brilliant qualities. Differences make this world a beautiful place and should be enjoyed not ashamed for not looking the same.


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