HomeAnimals18 Reasons Why Corgis are the Cutest

18 Reasons Why Corgis are the Cutest

There’s just something about Corgi dogs. May it be their little short legs, big tongues or daft personality – these little puppies will capture your hearts.

So popular are these dogs that people actually complain about suffering from OCD. That is, Obsessive Corgi Disorder. Even the Queen has her own pack of Corgis!

But why are these dogs considered so cute… Well if you can make it through these pictures without thinking Corgis are gorgeous perhaps you need some new specs.

1.  They are easily confused

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

How can you not find this confused cutie adorable?

2. They’re really good at camouflage

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

How useful would it be to own a dog that’s a master of disguise?

3. You can take them to the park

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

Who needs a kid when you can take your cute furbaby instead?

4. Corgis put 110% into everything

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

Why step off that step when you can launch into a cute Corgi leap?

5. They also leap in onesies

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

Don’t count sheep if you’re struggling to sleep at night, count these Corgis in pajamas instead.

6. They make playing with their food adorable

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

You catch that bone, honeybee.

7. Corgis are secret ninjas

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

You’ll never notice this cute ninja sneaking up on you.

8. They know how to relax

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

Not many people could pull off this level of chillaxing like this Corgi can.

9. They’d make adorable postmen/women

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

Who wouldn’t want this cutie bringing your bills!

10. They tap dance when they get excited

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

Gimme the ball! Gimme the ball! Gimme the ball! Gimme the ball! Gimme the ball! Gimme the ball! Oh my gosh, I got the ball!

11. Corgis accessorise better than you

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

Just how cool does this pooch look?

12. They’re a bit vertically challenged

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

We’d struggle getting up stairs too if we had those little legs. Probably not looking as cute though.

13. They’ve got big dumbo ears

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

Any bigger and that Corgi might just take off.

14. They have well-balanced personalities

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

Now that’s just skillful.

15. Corgi puppies are gorgeous

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

Just look at those cuties!

16. They take their fitness very seriously

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

The fact they’re both synchronised makes them all the cuter.

17. They always look cool

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

It’s hard to look that nonchalant.

18. There’s nothing cuter than a puppy stampede

via Cutecorgif.tumblr.com

The only thing cuter than one corgi is a whole pack of corgis.

Steph Cosway
Steph Cosway
Journalism graduate and 100% geek. I have worked in writing for the last 7 years as well as dabbling in a science laboratory. So if I ever stop writing, it's because I've been in a lab experiment and turned into a super villain. I'm particularly interested in video games, comics and Harry Potter. Oh and I have lots and lots of cats.


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